Getting a haircut on the road in Frome & meeting Sherlock

There are things that you take care of at home with out thinking about them.  A haircut is one of these things for me.  We have been away from home for at least 3 months now and my hair had grown so much that David started asking me who was that wild , hairy person answering to the name of his wife?  I was afraid to get my hair cut.  In my defense, we had been in Italy and Spain and I did not speak the language.  I was fearful of trying to explain to someone I did not know how I normally  look. .

Now we are in England and we do speak the language.  We drove to Frome today.  It is a small town not far from the village where we are house sitting. On the way into the village from the parking area, David found the perfect place for me to solve my dilemma:  The Cutting Bar.  This is a “no appointment, walk in” place with reasonable prices for a haircut.    I had no excuse and sat down to wait.  I watched the four hair cutters work and I was impressed with their skill and the way the other ladies’ hair turned out.haircut sign small. Sweet and lovely Kelsey cut my hair to perfection.linda haircut Kelsey small And David was so happy , he had to take a photo of it.

After this happy event we walked up Catherine Street which is a street of off beat and artsy types of small shops.  There were a couple of stores that sold antique women’s clothes. Frome antique clothes shop smallThere was another shop that sold hand dyed yarn; called Marmalade Yarns.Frome Marmalade Yarns small And my favorite because of the sweet store dog sitting out in front; a florist called Bramble & Wild.  Of course , I had to spend sometime petting him.Frome Bramble & Wild small  Oh, did I mention that Catherine Street goes straight up with cobblestones?Frome Catherine stree small  I assured David. it was worth the walk up the street to see all these cute shops.  He was happy that I finally got my hair cut.

PS from Dave: I got my hair cut a month ago in Barcelona at Manolo‘s. Having studied up on how to tell a barber what I wanted, I was a little disappointed that Manolo’s English was way better than my Spanish. Manolo’s dad cut hair before him, and the place has been a barbershop since 1854. €13.


Oh I forgot to add a note and a photo of Sherlock  ( the goofy sheepdog ) and his friend Matt.  One of the nice things about pet sitting is walking the dogs and getting to meet some of the other dogs in the village.  This is Sherlock, one of the friendliest and softest dogs I have ever met.  We got to talk with his friend Matt who is also one of the friendliest humans I have ever met.Sherlock Matt 5x7sherlock sit 5x7sherlock pet me small